Now seems like an appropriate time to go back in time and take a look at Meghan and Chad. Meghan will be home from her mission in Canada next Thursday. Lance and Candy are hoping they can clear their calendars and be at the airport to greet her. Yeah right! Let's just say that they have rented a trailer and are already camped at the airport parking lot.
Chad arrives in Provo the following week for his entrance into the MTC before heading to Hamburg. Jeff and Pam are coping with his leaving with Lamaze. We expect them to both exhale anyday now.
I hope you don't mind me posting, but I stumbled across this site by clicking next blog. Who is your family webmaster? How much do you have to pay him? Whatever he charges, it is not enough. He or she is fabulous. If you don't mind, would you post his contact info. My family would love to use him. We have plenty of old video for him to use. We have the rights to most of the old film, but MGM still holds some of the rights.
Thanks, it seems like we are almost neighbors.
Hey, wassup dude. I only get one day a month here in prison to use the internet so I thought I would google some old Palo Verde HS classmates. I hit the jackpot and found all those Arnett dudes. I forgot how cool you all were. I know you would remember me. I used to hang out in the north bathroom. Sorry I can't tell you who I am because we can't use our real names here at this prison. I am still a true PV alum, however, and have a gold and green yellowjacket tattoed on my chest. Have you got any old video of anyone else from high school? Didn't you guys have a hot sister who was kinda young? Where's she at these days?
I should be out in 2017 and would love to see you all again.
Johnny Cash (not my real name) in Folsom (my real prison)
In this day and age, too many people think of the term cold hard cash as dirty words. It appears that we live in a plastic society where everything is being paid with credit cards and even that is being supplanted with pay online. People just don’t get the feel of running the bills or coins through their palms and fingers.
You don’t know how much it warmed my heart to see a numismatist amongst your clan! (However, why anyone would want to collect the South Dakota quarter is beyond me.) I’m afraid that without coin collectors like this, our coinage would go the way of the typewriter and the two dollar bill.
PS: I’m absolutely fascinated with the Asstap. Does it come in a hybrid version? You may be on to something. I’ll pass it on to Mary (Mary E. Peters, Secretary of Transportation) who can pass in on to Chrysler. It may help bring them out of the pickle that they find themselves in.
Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Secretary of the Treasury
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